mardi 17 février 2015

Dollar index falls after the issuance of the Empire State Index report

The dollar continued to decline against other major currencies on Tuesday, after the release of manufacturing data pessimistic of the New York area, which added to concerns about the strength of the US economic recovery.

In a report, the Federal Reserve in New York said that the general index of business conditions fell to 7.8 this month from 10.0 reading in January / January Analysts had expected the index to decline to 8.5 in February / February

The dollar index, which measures the strength of the dollar against a basket of six major currencies, was up 0.45% to hit 94.03.
The euro extended gains against the dollar, with Artvaalioro / USD shedding 0.59% to trade at 1.1421.

The euro found support after he said ZEW Centre for Economic Research said its index of German economic sentiment rose by 4.6 points to 53.0 this month from reading in January 48.4. This was the highest reading since February 2014, but remained below expectations that were looking forward to 55.0.

Investors remained cautious, is scheduled for the rescue plan expires at the end of this month, while Greece rejects extension of the rescue plan. Athens has refused to offer a proposal to extend the rescue plan for a period of 6 months during a meeting on Monday, calling him the offer unacceptable.

There are at Athens until Friday to request an extension. Otherwise, the bailout ends in February 28 and you'll find the country itself in crisis and without funding.

And provoked the confrontation between Greece and its creditors fears that it could lead to a Greek exit from the euro zone.

GBP / USD shedding 0.08% to hit 1.5353.

In a report, National Statistics Office in the United Kingdom said that the rate of inflation in consumer prices slowed to 0.3% last month from 0.5% in December, broadly in line with market expectations.

On a monthly inflation in consumer prices fell by 0.9% in January basis, compared with expectations for a decline of 0.8% after trading unchanged in December / December

It will Bank of England Governor Mark Carney in writing an open letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, as the inflation rate is less than the goal of the central bank's target of 2.0%.

Rose core consumer, which excludes food and energy, alcohol and tobacco costs at a rate of 1.4% in the price index last month, up from 1.3% in December and above expectations for a reading of 1.3%.

On the other hand, the dollar / yen rose 0.17% to trade at 118.68, while the USD / CHF shedding 0.20% to hit 1.9301.

The Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar rose against the dollar, with high, AUD / USD shedding 0.60% to hit 1.7819 and rose NZD / USD shedding 0.52% to hit 0.7541. In Policy Meeting Minutes for the month of February, the Reserve Bank of Australia said earlier it cut interest rates this month because of the deteriorating economic outlook.

At the same time, the Canadian dollar rose against the dollar, with USD / CAD 0.68% to trade at 1.2383 even after Statistics Canada reported that purchases of foreign securities fell by 13.55 billion Canadian dollars in December, compared with expectations for a rise of 5.35 billion Canadian dollars .

The figure was revised in November to raise 4.30 billion Canadian dollars from the previous estimates of the gains of 4.29 billion Canadian dollars.