dimanche 4 octobre 2015

Nasdaq is approaching its lowest level in 11 months

شاهد فيديو الان !
After a session that saw a large fluctuation in US stocks between rising and falling, the decline in the Nasdaq technology stocks came to restore US stocks to decline again after technology stocks returned to decline near the end of today's session.   Apple's stock technology giant Lagging technology stocks today and push the Nasdaq index, which reduced by nearly 1% to decline to its lowest level since 11 months.   The return of US stocks declined today demonstrates that the worst is not over in the financial markets after landing and that the spark is still found under the rubble especially as concerns the weakness of the Chinese economy and its negative impact on the growth of the global economy are still present and affect negatively on Asian stocks.   US stocks declined today comes despite consumer confidence data released from the US economy today, which has seen a significant improvement compared with expectations, but these data are not sufficient to rising stock significantly, also saw crude oil prices higher today given the decline in the dollar levels and the increasing expectations down US inventories of crude oil.   The dollar index, which tracks the dollar's performance against a basket of major currencies, fell to its lowest level at 95.68 after it opened the session today at the 96.02 level, recording the highest at 96.22 to currently trade at 95.85 level.   This was the Dow Jones Industrial shares rose by 0.3% to 47.24 points wins and closing at 16049.13 points, while the Standard & Poor's 500 index rose by 0.12% to win 2.32 points and closing at 1,884,009 points.  

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