dimanche 28 décembre 2014

European stocks rise in early trading in a short session ahead of the Christmas holiday

European stocks rose on Wednesday morning shift in the third week sessions in a short session ahead of the Christmas holiday to continue the wave of gains for the seventh day in a row with the support of strong growth data in the United States of America.
  The Dow Jones Stoxx Europe 600 Index rose 0.1 percent by 08:26 London time and achieved a high index by 6.4 percent in the last six sessions, and achieved European shares rise by 3 percent last week, the biggest weekly gain during the year.

Futures rose to the S & P 500 rose 0.1 percent, and ended the MSCI Asia Pacific Index Japan today session high at about 0.6 percent.

The Dow Jones Stoxx Europe index rose by about 15 percent from its lowest level in recorded October month of the year in the wake of speculation expand buy European bonds program to buy government bonds in conjunction with the Swiss interest rate cut and provide useful negatively on deposits for the first time since 1970 and the statements of the Federal Reserve outward appearances patient about raising interest rates.

  She said the US Commerce Department yesterday that the economy grew at a rate of 5 percent during the third quarter final reading of GDP at the fastest pace of growth since the fourth quarter of 2003 and recorded a growth rate of the previous reading of 3.9 percent and was expected to grow at a rate of 4.3 percent.

And waits for the largest economy in the world today jobless claims data for the week ending 20 December expected 291 thousand from 289 thousand the previous week.

  European markets

Stoke EUR 50 index rose 0.1 percent, and the decline in the French CAC 40 index rose 0.2 percent, and in the London Financial Times 100 index down about 0.1 percent.
It is scheduled to conclude its London Stock Exchange at 12:30 GMT and close European markets managed by Euronext management company stock exchanges at 13:05 GMT with the Madrid Stock Exchange, which closed today while stock markets in Germany and Italy.

Wall Street closes on minor changes in a positive and key indicators recorded new highs entirety

US stocks ended Wednesday's session in the third week sessions on minor changes in its entirety positive and recorded major indices Dow Jones and Standard & Poor's record levels, with support from the rise of technology stocks and lower jobless claims companies for the week ending December 20 December

Dow Jones index rose by 0.03 and a record level at 18,086.24 points, and the S & P index 0.01 percent after the level of a historical record at 2,087.56 points, the Nasdaq Composite Index with the support of technology companies after losses over two days.

  Unemployment benefit recorded for the week ending 20 December, 280 thousand, compared with expectations that indicated 291 thousand, lower than the previous reading of 289 thousand.

  US stocks posted consecutive gains since last Wednesday in the wake of the release of the Federal Reserve Board in which he said that he would possess "patient" about the decision to raise interest rates.

 Said Janet Yellen president of the Council that is likely to keep the interest rate near zero at least prices during the first quarter of next year.

  Wall Street indices

Dow Jones industrial index of top US companies for the shares is high 6.04 points or 0.03 percent to 18,030.21 points, a new record close.

  The decline in the S & P 500 index broader 0.29 points or 0.01 percent to 2,081.88 points.

  The Nasdaq Composite Index, which technology-laced 8.05 points or 0.17 percent to 4,773.47 points.

samedi 13 décembre 2014

Japanese Finance Minister does not believe that Japan's economy is stagnant

Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Tuesday that he did not believe that Japan's economy is witnessing a recession. It was in the midst of his statements on control of the market on the back of the yen fell to its lowest level in seven years against the dollar on Monday.

They attributed the reasons to see Aso that Japan's economy is not in a recession, in light of the indicators that point to Japanese companies investment plans Activity to raise capital spending in the coming period, according to the index Tankan the Japanese central bank, which handles the measuring business sentiment and orientations.

Despite these optimistic statements Japanese Finance Minister, however, that the current situation confirms the stagnation of Japan's economy, through the achievement of a contraction over the second and third quarter of this year respectively. With the absence of any guarantees in the ability to achieve a stable ground to recover in the near future.

Four days separate us from the Japanese elections, and Abe in front of a new challenge

Japanese markets are watching for early elections, which separates us about four days, after that the solution to the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Parliament calling for early elections. In an attempt to restore the luster of his policies after the contraction of Japan's economy over the second and third quarter of this year.

It comes ahead of elections in a very sensitive time for the Japanese economy, because of the pain it stumbled since the beginning of Abe's decision to raise sales taxes in June. And that the Japanese economy had inflicted heavy losses on many levels of confidence and consumer spending, the end of the growth rates.

This central performance tends to weakness of Japan's economy during the current period, that which prompted Shinzo Abe to pack his decision to postpone the second increase in the sales tax to eighteen months. In an attempt to contain the negative impact of the tax hike.

In light of these facts that illustrate crisis witnessed Japan's economy, Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso came out on Tuesday to deny that Japan's economy is undergoing a recession. But those statements seem to run counter to reality and the best evidence for that Japanese economic rates that tend to weakness recently, especially after the decline in consumer confidence during November.

It is expected to have Shinzo Abe majority in the upcoming elections, it is shown by recent indicators and surveys. But what are the new strategy, which will be followed by Abe if he wins the legitimacy of the new policies. In light of the economic downturn and fears Thaot global economic growth during the current period amid weak demand levels.

Negative start for US stocks and oil is the reason

US stocks fell in early trading Wednesday amid continued decline in global oil prices after the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on reducing the demand forecast for next year.

OPEC lowered demand forecasts for 2015 by about 300 thousand barrels per day to 28.9 million barrels per day.

   And continue sales operations in global equity markets since the beginning of this week, as investors flee to safe-haven asset and a hedge against that risk.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.63% to trade at exactly 15:03 pm GMT Grinch about the levels of 17682.94 points, while the Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 0.50% to 2048.28 points, trading around levels.

The NASDAQ Composite Index, fell 0.42% to 4746.61 points, trading around levels.

Equity markets remain in the suffering caused by violent sales operations

European stocks rebound early dealings after losses over the three sessions

European stocks rebounded on Thursday morning shift in the fourth week sessions in a bid to recover from the losses over the three days, and closer investors ECB statement on long-term loans and retail sales data and jobless benefits in the United States of America.

The Dow Jones Stoxx Europe 600 Index rose 0.3 percent by 09:36 GMT, and the energy sector index rebounded from its lowest level in three years in the correction, and the index lost 27 percent rate since June on the impact of the sharp drop in global oil prices.

The European Central Bank issued at 09:15 GMT By the second round of long-term loans to eurozone banks is expected to increase the value of loans to 148.2 billion euros from 82.6 billion euros in the first round.

In the United States issued retail sales for the month of November, jobless claims for the week ending December 6 December

Futures rose to the S & P 500 rose 0.3 percent, and ended the MSCI Asia Pacific Index today's session low of 0.5 percent, its lowest level in seven weeks.

  European market indices

Stoke EUR 50 index rose by 0.3 percent, and climbed France's CAC 40 rose 0.1 percent, and the German DAX index increased by 0.4 percent, and in the London Financial Times 100 index rose about 0.1 percent.

Wall Street incur the biggest loss since October with the erosion of the energy sector

US stocks ended Wednesday's session in the third low-week sessions continue the wave of losses for the third consecutive day incurred the biggest loss since October with the fall in shares of the energy sector in the wake of continued sharp drop in global oil prices.

The Standard & Poor's 500 Index 1.6 percent, the biggest daily loss since 13 October and the index lost 2.4 percent rate over the last three sessions, the Dow Jones industrial average by about 1.5 percent, the biggest daily loss on October 9 since.

Energy companies fell 3.1 percent, and lost about 13 percent since the beginning of November fell by 25 percent since June since the beginning of the fall in world oil prices.

The global oil prices fell to their lowest level in five years under an oversupply and conflict between producers of market shares in conjunction with the OPEC report on Wednesday, which reduced demand for oil levels during 2015 to its lowest level in 12 years.

Wall Street indices

Dow Jones industrial index of top US companies for shares of a low 268.05 points or 1.51 percent to 17,533.15 points.

The decline in the S & P 500 index broader 33.68 points or 1.64 percent to 2,026.14 points.

Central Swiss keep interest rates steady to support the economy

Swiss central bank decided Thursday to keep its monetary policy steady, and they were installed in interest rates at zero area between 0.00% and 0.25% for another round to support economic growth.

This decision comes before the SNB in light of his commitment to support the economy, and with the general weakness of the euro zone and the risk of entering the area in recession.

There is no doubt also that moderation in the Swiss growth rates in conjunction with low inflation, which lies within the boundaries of the target before the Swiss central bank rates, give the SNB in the goodwill to keep interest rates low.

In contrast, the Swiss franc is a fundamental dilemma the SNB, as it rises to high levels, amid intensifying crisis in the euro zone, with reference to the franc's rise caused by resorting to it as a safe haven, which is a harm to the Swiss exports, which are the backbone of the Swiss economy, therefore, the central Swiss determines the minimum of the euro against the franc at 1.20 levels, to control the rising franc.

In light of these facts tend to expectations that the SNB will keep interest rates steady for another round, with his work on scalable high Swiss franc, especially in light of his pledge to intervene if the height of the levels are not commensurate with the bank's policy.

Trading the Swiss franc against the US dollar promptly at 9:05 GMT stable at 1.0356 francs per dollar levels

Falling oil prices ticking alarm bells

Oil came back down again during Friday oil to its lowest level since July 2009 in the wake of the statement issued by the International Energy Agency, which disclosed it to the large supply of oil and the future bleak demand.

Oil is now trading by 18:30 pm GMT, at $ 58.00 per barrel from the opening level of $ 59.15 recorded the highest price in this session at $ 59.55, the lowest price at a level of 57.30.

The International Energy Agency said that it is expected that the price of oil is under more pressure and that may lead to the continuation of bleeding landing, also lowered its forecast for global demand growth in 2015, the agency is expected to result in increased supplies from outside the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC" to promote satiety global oil supply versus expectations of a decline production of "OPEC" oil by 315 thousand barrels per day in December to 30.32 million barrels per day.

Oil on his way to the second-largest weekly loss to fall by 12% during this week recording, and the agency said it was premature to expect that low oil prices start to rise again it does take some time for the interaction of supply and demand, with falling prices, and seeing oil prices fell sharply since OPEC decided last month to maintain the production rate without any change.

Cesar announces new plan to exit bankruptcy

Announced Cesar Entertainment Corp. (CZR) to lenders about restructuring the largest operating unit of the casino plan, as the company released its new plan to get out of trouble bankruptcy through transformation of the real estate investment.

The end of the negotiations with debt holders mean that the Cesar company to decide whether they want to move ahead with plans to file the unit, after the bankruptcy in January without the support of creditors.

Mother Cesar company, which was loaded with debt after World Apollo Management (APO) and Capital valued at $ 30.7 billion in 2008, is now seeking reorganization after losing money since 2009. On the other hand, the talks resulted in the restructuring of the company to run a $ 18 billion dollars of loans with lenders and other group of senior creditors for almost three months.

Manufacturing unexpectedly high -- 14/12/2014

Close Manufacturing Corp (2060) in the history of 12.11.2014 at 25.570, up by 0.750 or the equivalent of 3.02% compared to the previous close it, was recorded 2300405 shares trading volumes

The remaining artistic vision as they are, where we pointed out in its latest report to us that the stock has support at 25 riyals, pushing upward, ending Thursday's session, forming "Bullish Engulfing" a candlestick Askh for the downside, as well as the emergence of deviation positively on the Relative Strength Index, could push the stock to the top to reach the resistance level of 29.50 riyals, requires the stability of the stock higher level of SR 25.

It must be mentioned that the highest level in the past three weeks is 30.400 and the lowest level is 23.900

Saudi market closing up B83 point

The Saudi stock market index today part of the losses suffered by over previous sessions, where the index rose today (TASI) B0.78% is equivalent to 83.24 points to close at 10757.14 points.

Today has been trading on the number of 179.6 million shares worth 6.2 billion riyals through 100.4 thousand transactions Nfzthm company's shares rose 161 of whom 104 shares fell 33 while 24 stocks proved to previous Iglaqathm.

Issued by banks and financial services sectors high Saudi market 1.47%, followed by the construction sector increased by 1.30%, and the transportation sector, which rose by 1.27%, while other sectors altitudes between 1.57% to 0.01% range. On the other hand, did not back down today only B0.69% energy sector.

It was the most points today Ahli Takaful B5.71% to 68.50 riyals, followed by AXA Cooperative b 5.55% to 70.00 riyals, tubes b 5.28% to 33.70 riyals. While the decline Safety Assurance b 3.12% to 38.80 riyals, and Bubba Arab Insurance by 2.48% to 142.75 riyals, Arab and insurance by 2.29% to 21.35 riyals.

It is noteworthy that the Saudi market today saw two deals special to share Dar Al Arkan total amount reached 4 million shares at 13.50 riyals a total value of 54 million riyals.

Dubai Financial Market recovery with the start of trading on the Dubai Parks shares

Dubai Financial Market witnessed a state of volatility in early trading on Wednesday, with a tendency to rise in the middle of the market's attempts to correct after the big downturn in the previous two sessions over the impact of the sharp drop of crude oil.

Initiated the Dubai Financial Market Index early dealings on the rise by 1.4% to reach the level of 3893.4 points, trading at 211.6 million dirhams.

   And hauled Dubai Parks- share Aljdid- newcomer in its first session on about 18% of the liquidity and down by 13.5% at 0.865 dirhams.

Crude oil prices continued to fall today with strong Iranian expectations of lower prices to $ 40 a barrel, and promptly at 08:11 GMT, down crude December delivery increased by 1.68% to record levels of trading around $ 62.75 a barrel.

It is expected that the Dubai Financial Market index case of volatility with a tendency to decline if crude oil prices continued to fall, and in the absence of a clear vision of the UAE investors and their reluctance to risk, which has caused a significant drop in volumes.

A sharp decline in the Saudi market with the continued decline of violent crude oil

Showing the general index of the Saudi Stock Market (Tadawul) to wave a sharp decline affected the majority of the stock in early trading session on Thursday, bringing the market index has recorded decline for the fifth consecutive session, after the continued significant decline of crude oil prices.

The Saudi stock market index opened (trading) daily dealings decline of 2.49%, to settle around 8201.96 points, levels, and thus have the lowest levels in more than a year, with a trade value amounted to about 1.8 billion Saudi riyals, and so promptly at 8:50 GMT.

Decline in the general index of the Saudi stock market (Tadawul) came after a continued decline in oil prices, which fell to their lowest level in five years.

Lower oil prices came after the issuance of the expectations for a group of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on Wednesday indicated that the demand for crude oil rates will fall over the next year in 2015 to its lowest level in 12 years, with lower crude oil (delivery in January ) in trading on Wednesday to critical levels amounted to US $ 60.40 a barrel, while stabilized in early trading on Thursday about US $ 61.38 per barrel

General index of the Saudi stock market was also affected (trading) sharp decline in the long US stocks in trading Wednesday, as concluded by the Dow Jones Industrial Average index Wednesday's session down 1.51%, while the Nasdaq indices declined Composite and the S & P rates stood at 1.73% and 1.64% respectively.

Dropped all sectors of the Saudi stock market index (trading) with the start of trading on Thursday, led by the petrochemical sector, which fell by 2.85% after a sharp drop in oil prices.

It is expected to close by the general index of the Saudi stock market (OTC) trading Thursday, down clear because of the state of anxiety, which controls the minds of Saudi investors due to the decline in oil prices, which will continue to create a state of dense on stock sales.

Saudi Arabia's index is expected to bounce higher -- 12/14/2014

Close the general index of the Saudi market (TASI) in the history of 12.11.2014 at 8,393.921 down by -17.063 or the equivalent of -0.20% compared to the previous close it, s have been recorded or trading 8,611,866,624 Real

According to the technical outlook that the index is still consistent with our expectations regarding support located between the level of 8200 points, and the level of 7800 points, strength., Where we pointed out during this month that the index could fall to the level of strong support at 8,200 points, a price target output of the breakout of the bullish channel long-term, which also corresponds to the rising trend line long-term, which is a strong support could push the index to the highest to reach its resistance level of 9,000 points, especially with the emergence of a negative deviation on the RSI,

It must be mentioned that the highest level in the past three weeks and is 9,556.005 8,158.053 is the lowest level

April you call 470 thousand cars for technical defects

Resulted in Japan's Nissan Motors for the automotive industry, to alienate 470 thousand of its cars in the world, to repair defects leak fuel.

This step comes by Nissan to maintain its international standing and credibility, as well as to work fast to call the defective cars to avoid any fines may sign them if they are found these defects.

While scheduled to April requiring vehicles that were manufactured from 2012 until 2015. In light of doubts not be linked to fuel pressure sensors optimally in. Is what may lead to a fuel leak.

Through this call Nissan will maintain their credibility in the global auto markets, especially that Nissan reported statements have not been reported to date for any accidents due to leaking fuel.

It is noteworthy that Nissan shares had closed at 1087.5 levels yen per share, down 0.2% from yesterday's closing levels.

Long-term results of the loans put pressure on European stocks

European Alozlem landed in the middle of the trading day Thursday after lending data released by the European Central Bank, which showed a decline in liquidity levels among European banks.

The main European Stoxx 600 index fell 0.76% to trade at 12:30 GMT on the levels of 336.76 points.

ECB report showed the second round of interest-bearing long-term affordable price loans, which was allocated about 130 billion euros in loans while she was forecast to 148 billion euros.

In a simplified summary of the findings of this report, we find that the liquidity of European banks have fallen and therefore would adversely affect the economic recovery to be achieved from the second round of loans.

If, facing the euro zone more signs of the fragility of the economic Adouaha, which called for increased fears in the financial markets.

Fears popular in the market will remain strong and so identifies the following steps of the European Central Bank, which is facing a struggling economy.

The other European indices, the index FTSE 100 Index fell by 0.87% to trade around 6443.62 points, levels, while the French CAC 40 index fell 0.65% to 4201.12 points, trading around levels.

German index fell 0.24% to 9776.40 points, trading around levels.

The yield on Greek bonds climb amid growing political tensions in the country

Rate of return on Greek treasury bonds continued to rise for the third day in a row and is very large, in conjunction with the political tensions in the country after the announcement of the government to provide a date for the presidential election to become the next week.

The dilemma lies in the Greek elections not to win any of the political parties enough votes to form a new government, which puts the country in front of the coalition government option, and this is what worsen things with big difference in views between the political parties in the country.

But the radical left party "Syriza" the largest opposition party, which may enable him to win the presidential election, with the possible return of the country to a state of chaos, the fact that Syriza rejects austerity and bailout packages offered to the country's policies.

If, it is possible that the country returns to the financial crisis, which threatens the financial future of the country and put it back in the box to the memories of the fragility of the economy before the rescue packages.

Generally, investors are taking precautions universe risks began to escalate, which reduces the demand for bonds as a result of a high risk of bankruptcy and default.

Ascended rate yield on 10-year maturity period by 47.4 basis points to bond up to 8.768%

Asian stocks rise at the end of the week sessions led by the Japanese market

Asian stocks rose on Friday in last week's sessions, led by the Japanese market with the support of positive US economic data boosted investor optimism growth in the world's largest economy in conjunction with the polls show that Shinzo Abe heading for a landslide victory in elections next Sunday.

The MSCI Asia Pacific Index rose 0.4 By 14:49 pm Tokyo time rebounding from its lowest level in seven weeks, but heading to a weekly loss after a 2 percent were over the trading week, led by energy companies on the impact of falling oil prices to the lowest level since 2009.

Futures fell for the S & P 500 rose 0.1 percent after rising yesterday on Wall Street about 0.5 percent after positive data in the United States rising retail sales showed last month, the highest pace in eight months fell jobless claims by about three thousand for the week ending December 6 December

  Asia indicators

Japan's benchmark Nikkei index rose 0.9 percent, and the broader TOPIX index rose by 0.6% range, and the yen fell for the second consecutive day against the US dollar.

Economic data supports the euro and the Australian near its lowest level in four years

Many of the economic data in various global markets have impacted heavily in the direction of currencies against the US dollar at the close of trading this week.


The European currency has expanded from its rise against the US dollar at the end of this week's sessions after the release of many of the positive economic data from the euro zone.

Industrial production rate in the euro area and EU countries rose by 0.1% on a monthly basis in October, while increased on an annual basis in the euro zone by 0.7% and in the EU countries increased by 0.8%, according to data released by the European Statistics Office.

The reason for the high rate of industrial production to rise in the production of consumer non-durable goods rose 1.3%, followed by a rise in production of consumer durable goods rose 0.9% in addition to a rise in medium-term goods by 0.3%, while goods head finance fell by 0.2% and energy prices increased by 1.9 %, and record the change in the index of employment rate in the euro zone of 0.2% during the third quarter of the year, which was revised to record 0.3%. .

And trading the euro against the US dollar by 18:00 GMT on the level of 1.2460 from an opening price of 1.2390 after recording the highest price and the lowest price 1.2475 1.2383.

The Australian dollar

The Australian dollar continued its wavelength bearish trading near its lowest level since July 2010 at the end of the week's sessions after the release of many of the Chinese economic data.

Australia's currency fell for a second day in a row after the Chinese data reported lower GDP, where industrial production growth slowed in China more than expected in November, while retail sales rose more than expected, according to data released today.

Industrial production growth record rate of 7.2% during the month of November, according to data released by China's National Bureau of Statistics, while settled expectations that the record of 7.6% compared with the previous recorded a growth rate of 7.7% during the month of October, while the annual growth of retail sales rose by 11.5% in October to 11.7% and was expected to stabilize the rate of growth at 11.5%. And the fixed assets investment index rose at a rate of 15.8% during the period from January to November

The Aussie is trading against the US dollar by 18:00 GMT on the level of 0.8260 from an opening price of 0.8245 after recording the highest price and the lowest price 0.8298 0.8225.

US dollar

The US currency extended its losses at the end of sessions this week to trade near its lowest level since the beginning of December, due to falling prices in the stock market, prompting investors to buy most of the alternative assets such as gold and reluctance to buy the US dollar.

Economic data released by the University of Michigan showed high initial reading of consumer confidence to 93.8 versus expectations referred to 89.6 was a review of the previous reading of 89.4 to 88.8, while the preliminary reading of the inflation expectations of the University of Michigan also recorded an increase of 2.9% while the previous reading review 2.6% to 2.8%.

US dollar index fell 0.4% against most major currencies during Friday's trading in sync with the drop in US and European stocks continued to fall with the price of oil, which hurt shares of energy companies and weak risk appetite.

On the other hand, the data showed a decline in the producer price index, which measures the change in goods and services in its final form provided by the producers to 0.2 against expectations that referred to minus 0.1, which was the previous reading at 0.2%.



English currency fell against the US dollar at the close of hearings this week to continue to decline for the second day in a row after the release of many of the negative economic data.

Decline in sterling against the US dollar, having made four days of ups and came back down after the British construction output data, which came in below expectations as the British construction output index decreased by 2.2% during the month of October, according to data released by the British Office for National Statistics, while stabilized expectations on that score 0.8% compared with the previous estimate of 1.8%, which was revised to score 2.2%, and settled flagship of the British conference Board of minus 0.3% in October compared with the previous estimate of minus 0.4% index.

And trading sterling against the US dollar by 18:00 GMT on the level of 1.5715 from an opening price of 1.5710 after recording the highest price and the lowest price 1.5745 1.5693.