samedi 13 décembre 2014

The yield on Greek bonds climb amid growing political tensions in the country

Rate of return on Greek treasury bonds continued to rise for the third day in a row and is very large, in conjunction with the political tensions in the country after the announcement of the government to provide a date for the presidential election to become the next week.

The dilemma lies in the Greek elections not to win any of the political parties enough votes to form a new government, which puts the country in front of the coalition government option, and this is what worsen things with big difference in views between the political parties in the country.

But the radical left party "Syriza" the largest opposition party, which may enable him to win the presidential election, with the possible return of the country to a state of chaos, the fact that Syriza rejects austerity and bailout packages offered to the country's policies.

If, it is possible that the country returns to the financial crisis, which threatens the financial future of the country and put it back in the box to the memories of the fragility of the economy before the rescue packages.

Generally, investors are taking precautions universe risks began to escalate, which reduces the demand for bonds as a result of a high risk of bankruptcy and default.

Ascended rate yield on 10-year maturity period by 47.4 basis points to bond up to 8.768%

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