samedi 13 décembre 2014

April you call 470 thousand cars for technical defects

Resulted in Japan's Nissan Motors for the automotive industry, to alienate 470 thousand of its cars in the world, to repair defects leak fuel.

This step comes by Nissan to maintain its international standing and credibility, as well as to work fast to call the defective cars to avoid any fines may sign them if they are found these defects.

While scheduled to April requiring vehicles that were manufactured from 2012 until 2015. In light of doubts not be linked to fuel pressure sensors optimally in. Is what may lead to a fuel leak.

Through this call Nissan will maintain their credibility in the global auto markets, especially that Nissan reported statements have not been reported to date for any accidents due to leaking fuel.

It is noteworthy that Nissan shares had closed at 1087.5 levels yen per share, down 0.2% from yesterday's closing levels.

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