mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Spin Gu substitute Yahoo shares in China's Alibaba, and financial results better than expected

US Yahoo announced on Tuesday that it will work on the separation of its stake in Chinese company Alibaba amounting to 15% or $ 40 billion in a deal tax-exempt, as an independent investment company will be under the name of "Spin Ku" investing in Chinese e-commerce company.

Announced CEO of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, the news within the chapter quarterly financial results of the company on Tuesday.

The objective of this procedure is to provide billions of taxes owed annually amounting to nearly $ 16 billion, will be the Spin Ku shares distributed to the shareholders of Yahoo in the fourth quarter of 2015.

Go toward financial results, Yahoo has recorded a quarter do not quite where share Earnings per share fell during the fourth quarter of last year 2014 to 30 cents from 46 cents in the same period of 2013.

The revenue fell to $ 1.18 billion during the same quarter, compared with the same period in 2013 which recorded $ 1.20 billion.

The forecasts suggest dividend of 29 cents per share, with revenues of $ 1.19 billion.

It is noteworthy that Yahoo announced last month December / December 2014 that it stopped 60 product and service during the past two years, part of its efforts to "focus on presentations of interest to the" users.

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