samedi 24 janvier 2015

Wall Street extended its gains for the fourth consecutive day after the historic Europe Bank announced a program to stimulate the European economy

US stocks ended Thursday's session in the third week sessions continue high gains for the fourth consecutive day after the European Central Bank announced a historic program to buy bonds greatest expectations to stimulate the economy in the euro zone.Standard & Boozer index rose by 1.5 percent and hit its highest level since December 30 last December and achieved a height of 2 percent over the past three sessions, the Dow rose 1.5 percent and the Nasdaq Composite Index increased by about 1.8 percent.Mario Draghi, Governor of the Central Bank announced a historic program to buy bonds to stimulate the European economy by 60 billion euros a month the beginning of the month of March until September September 2016 at about 1,100 billion euros and were expectations of experts has been narrowed to buy bonds between 500: 550 billion euros.Showed data released today in Washington, unemployment fell from its highest level in seven weeks, claims, and recorded a number of 307 thousand applications for the week ending 17 January from 317 thousand the previous week and was expected to 301 thousand.Wall Street indicesDow Jones industrial index of top US companies for shares of high 259.70 points or 1.48 percent to 17,813.98 points.And the S & P 500 index broader 31.03 points or 1.53 percent to 2,063.15 points.The Nasdaq Composite Index, which is dominated by technology stocks 82.98 points or 1.78 percent to 4,750.40 points.

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