mercredi 24 juin 2015

China's central bank injects liquidity in the financial markets

The Chinese central bank injected amounts of liquidity in the banking system by using open market operations for the first time two months ago, after the Chinese sovereign debt sales failed to raise liquidity in the market planned to target him.   China's central bank show the amount of 35 billion yuan ($ 5.6 billion) through reverse repurchase operations Bajil seven days through an auction today was the last day was the implementation of such operations in April / April 16 last.   The Ministry of Finance has sold bonds Bajil two years worth 25.16 billion yuan on Wednesday, less than the target value of 26 billion yuan, the first auction for the sale of government bonds fails to achieve his goal since the month of July of last year.   China's central bank and the government aimed to pump liquidity into the financial markets and the banking system in order to maintain the low borrowing costs and in light of the increasing demand by commercial banks on the liquidity to meet the large withdrawals end of the second quarter of the year.   This has made China's central bank cut interest rates three times since November last, in addition to reducing reserve requirements for Chinese banks to contribute to reducing the pressure on the Chinese economy, which is the lowest growth rate since 1990.   The cost of the difference in interest rates for the year, a rate that is paid in exchange for a fixed repo operations have decreased the basis of two points to reach 2.56 percent, after pumping money operations.

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