mercredi 24 juin 2015

Prime Minister of Taiwan to step down, and the fear on the local economy

Abandoned Taiwan Premier Jiang Yi Hua from his post on Saturday, after the defeat of his party (Kuomintang) in the local elections that took place last Friday.
For his part, the amateur has announced the acceptance of Taiwan President Ma Ying-Joe for his resignation.
Once the counting of votes in more than 80% of the constituencies show that the ruling party Kuomintang -oho Qoma- Party lost voices include eight cities Almaklan old adversaries of the party Taipei and Taichung.
It is noteworthy that the party calls for rapprochement with China, and that as a pro-China.
And let the supporters of the Kuomintang to improve relations with China, noting that Taiwan is a renegade province to Chinese sovereignty.
Fear remains the dominant force and supporters of the Democratic Progressive Party victory in the elections, the Kuomintang, which could create a suitable ground to win the presidential election scheduled in 2016.
Democratic Progressive Party came to power and the presidency of the country may erase all talks with China, and leads the deterioration of Taiwan-China relations.
It is noteworthy that the Kuomintang party was working to strengthen its relations with China in order to improve Taiwan's economy and the prosperity of the work, but the heavy loss incurred by the party in local elections threaten these relations, which would negatively affect the economy.

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