mercredi 24 juin 2015

Report and EIA crude oil stocks

Released from the US economy and the EIA crude oil stocks, which explained deficit in stocks of about 4.9 million barrels during the elapsed on 19 of June this against a deficit of about 2.7 million barrels in the previous weekly reading, other than the analysts' forecasts when the deficit by about 1.8 million barrels report, and bringing the total crude oil stocks to around 463 million barrels and is near the highest level in eighty years.
On the other had, motor gasoline rose to the United States by about 0.7 million barrels, to remain higher than the average range for this time of year, as the IAEA report said on Wednesday that distillate products, which include heating oil stocks rose by 1.8 million barrels for longer within the medium term for this time of year.

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