vendredi 30 octobre 2015

European shares slip in morning trade due to falling commodity companies US interest expectations

European stocks fell on Thursday morning dealings with falling commodity companies and earnings below expectations for major banks and companies, in conjunction with the growing expectations of the Federal Reserve to raise US interest rates in December next meeting.

The Dow Jones Stoxx Europe 600 index rose 0.5 percent at 09:15 GMT, and achieved the index rose yesterday by 1.2 percent after losing over two sessions with the rise of large-scale energy companies.

The companies commodities and minerals most downs of the Dow Jones Europe Index with the decline in the Rio Tinto Group and BHP Billiton by more than 3.3 percent at least.

Barclays shares fell nearly 5 percent after the decline in the bank's profits during the third quarter by 10 percent, and Royal Dutch shares fell 1.1 percent after scoring during the third quarter, the biggest loss in more than 10 years.

Federal Reserve said yesterday at the conclusion of the meeting lasted over two days that the US economy is strong enough to raise interest rates this year, which would raise the likelihood of higher interest rates in December next to 48 percent from 32 percent last week.

And delete the Council any reference to global developments that affect the growth of the US economy, and pointed out that the increase in interest rates at the next meeting will depend on the progress being made on employment and inflation, repeating in his statement that he wants to be "confident moderately" that inflation will rise to the level target of 2 percent.

As part of investors assessment of those expectations markets await US economic growth data for the third quarter expected to grow at a rate of 1.6 percent from growth of 3.9 percent the second quarter, which reduces again from these expectations, and supports buying high-yielding assets, led by stocks and bonds.

 Futures fell for the S & P 500 rose 0.3 percent after a rise in the index yesterday on Wall Street by about 1.2 percent, after strong gains overshadowed by banks and energy companies on expectations of raising US interest rates in December next.

For Europe, the most important indicators fell 50 euros Stoke index by about 0.5 percent, France's CAC 40 index down 0.6 percent, and Germany's DAX index fell 0.2 percent, the decline In London the Financial Times 100 index by 1.1 percent.

Wall Street deserve negative developments trading after the US and disappointing data

شاهد فيديو الان !
US stocks fourth this week's sessions on the red opened following the developments and economic data that Tbanha from the US economy and slowing the largest economy in the world the growth of exceeded expectations during the third quarter according to the preliminary reading of GDP the US in conjunction with the rise in weekly jobless claims below expectations explained before to see the breadth of decline in home sales is on hold during September / September as opposed to expectations after hours of approval of the members of the Federal Open Market Committee to keep interest rates at low historical levels in October / October 27-28 meeting in the shadow of actualities disclose the results of realization of the major companies season US banks and giant, which is the backbone of the world's largest economy. Promptly at 3:48 pm GMT Jrnch Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 0.35%, or about 62.64 points to 17,716.88 levels, as Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 0.30%, or about 6.70 points to 2,083.65 levels, while the Nasdaq Composite Index fell 0.41% or about 20.85 points to 5,074.84 levels. The US dollar index, which tracks the greenback's performance against six major currencies, especially the single currency for the euro zone as well as the Swiss franc, Japanese yen, pound sterling, krone Swedish, Canadian dollar, has shown a decline, currently trading at 97.37 levels compared Balavtaatahih at 97.66, its lowest level During the trading session at 97.31, while achieved its highest at 97.76. On the other hand gold prices declined to trade at 1,152.05 $ per ounce compared with the opening level at 1,156.19 $ an ounce, as US crude oil prices witnessed a stable minimum opening levels currently trading at $ 45.86 per barrel compared with the opening levels at $ 46.05 a barrel.

Asian stocks in their direction to record monthly high before BOJ meeting

Asian stocks on the way to record the highest monthly increase since five years, with the market waiting for the decision of the Bank of Japan in light of conflicting expectations of many for it to increase its stimulus to support the economy and reach the inflation target at 2%. MSCI Asia Pacific Index of shares move slightly the day at 133.85 level where the index is witnessing rising by 8.1% during the month of October / October, to lead the rise today energy stocks as well as market expectations increase the possibility of BOJ stimulus. Japanese stocks rose during trading today to witness the broader Topix index in Japan rose by 0.12% to witness added 1.39 points, up to the level 1208.79, while for the Nikkei main 225 Japanese shares fell by 0.03% to lose 5.46 points up to the level 18930.25. Chinese stock indices witnessed decline during trading today as it's CSI 300 saw a decline of 0.42% that lost 14.24 points and level up to 2000.16 as the Shanghai index down 0.53%, losing 18.12 points, up to the level of 3369.19. While the Hang Seng Index saw Hong Kong shares lower by 0.46% to 104.71 points, testifies discount and up to 22715.23 level as the Kospi index of South Korean shares rose 0.0% to 0.1 point and win up to level 2034.26. As for the NZX 50 index for New Zealand shares fell by 0.56% to 33.41 points deducted up to the level of 5969.56 on the other hand S & P / ASX 200 index of Australia shares fell 0.54%, losing 28.46 points, up to the level of 5238.4.

Japan's central bank proves its monetary policy unchanged

The Bank of Japan released today the results of a meeting which lasted for two days to installs its monetary policy unchanged, and continue the program without increasing the incentive to seal so the expectations that filled the market on the possibility of increasing the incentive program during today's meeting.   Japan's central bank believes that the current levels of stimulating enough to push prices up to the target by the Bank's 2% inflation level. Bank to keep the vision of the Japanese economy, which lasted in recent months that the economy is strong and sound economic cycle.   Bank of Japan noted that the strength of the profits of Japanese companies and the stability of the labor sector will work to pay price levels to rise, once the temporary impact of the decline in crude oil and energy prices from the end of the global markets.   Bank members vote came at 8-1 in favor of the installation of the monetary policy to remain incentive program at 80 trillion yen (664 billion dollars) annually.   So far the Japanese central bank believes that the monetary policy is sufficient to provide a positive influence and direction reasonable price levels, regardless of the impact of lower crude oil and energy prices.

dimanche 4 octobre 2015

Nasdaq is approaching its lowest level in 11 months

شاهد فيديو الان !
After a session that saw a large fluctuation in US stocks between rising and falling, the decline in the Nasdaq technology stocks came to restore US stocks to decline again after technology stocks returned to decline near the end of today's session.   Apple's stock technology giant Lagging technology stocks today and push the Nasdaq index, which reduced by nearly 1% to decline to its lowest level since 11 months.   The return of US stocks declined today demonstrates that the worst is not over in the financial markets after landing and that the spark is still found under the rubble especially as concerns the weakness of the Chinese economy and its negative impact on the growth of the global economy are still present and affect negatively on Asian stocks.   US stocks declined today comes despite consumer confidence data released from the US economy today, which has seen a significant improvement compared with expectations, but these data are not sufficient to rising stock significantly, also saw crude oil prices higher today given the decline in the dollar levels and the increasing expectations down US inventories of crude oil.   The dollar index, which tracks the dollar's performance against a basket of major currencies, fell to its lowest level at 95.68 after it opened the session today at the 96.02 level, recording the highest at 96.22 to currently trade at 95.85 level.   This was the Dow Jones Industrial shares rose by 0.3% to 47.24 points wins and closing at 16049.13 points, while the Standard & Poor's 500 index rose by 0.12% to win 2.32 points and closing at 1,884,009 points.  

Ajwan trying to gain positive momentum

Share Ajwan Real Estate Gulf has fallen in recent trading to intraday levels, to record losses amounted -1.59% compared to the closure, which is preceded by the equivalent of -0.50 points, to try to share this recent decline acquire some of the positive momentum that has helped him to rise after that, amid the stability of trading the highest level of support 30.57, this level, which represents 38.2% of Fibonacci retracement levels for the descending wave in the short term (from 42.00 to 23.50), and a positive pressure from the simple to the 50 period moving average intraday levels.

Therefore we expect the return of the stock of the new high in the coming trading, provided, however, support the stability of 30.57, to target the next resistance level of 32.75, which represents 50% of the same as the previous mentioned corrective levels

Russia lend Syria to support the economy collapsed, and a slap to the West

Syria intend to do to borrow from Russia about billion dollars, citing the news agency Reuters, which quoted the news from the newspaper (Kommersant) Russian on Thursday. The Russian newspaper Kommersant pointed out that a senior source in the Russian government has said that "the Syrian authorities intend to ask the Russian government a loan of one billion dollars, and you need to Damascus monies for the stability of its currency and to support social programs." Russia had decided in the month of May / May last grant Syria about 240 million euros because of Western sanctions. The request Syria to borrow through the Syrian-Russian Committee meeting, which is held in the Russian city of Sochi, even on Friday, and the goal of the joint committee is to continue the cooperation between the two countries under sanctions and trade exchanges. Come borrowing process to be open defiance of the West, which impose significant economic sanctions on Russia because of its interference Ukrainian affairs, and the loan requested by Syria would be a slap in the face to Western countries, which are still looking for ways to weaken Russia's strategic ally in the Middle East - Syria-together. Syria also wants to boost its currency and its economy collapsed completely amid the crisis experienced by the country, and this borrowing Syria wants to strengthen its foreign exchange

Abu Dhabi finished the day down slightly

Market General Index ended the session Abu Dhabi Sunday the red zone, a slight decline, given the decline in all sectors except telecommunications, which survived a lonely sector.

The general index closed down by 0.05% to Khiairh come back after two sessions of rally, losing 2.44 points from its value to the level of 4517.52 points.

In terms of trading volumes and values ​​of trading rose compared dealings Thursday, to reach the value to 232.5 million dirhams (63.30 million dollars), compared to 130.60 million dirhams (35.56 million dollars), reaching sizes 151.17 million shares, compared B87.125 million shares the previous session.

And lost market capitalization of about 120 million dirhams ($ 32.67 million), to reach 425.46 billion dirhams (115.831 billion dollars) compared with 425.58 billion dirhams ($ 115.8 billion) by the end of Thursday's meeting.

Led declining market and the energy sector by about 2.21%, due to declines sagittal "energy" by 3.70%, and "Dana Gas" 1.82%.

The real estate sector fell by 0.27%, influenced by a fall share "real estate brightening" 1.47%.

"Banks" sector fell by 0.18%, after declines of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank and Commercial rates stood at 1.16%, and 1.14%, respectively.
And issued "first Gulf" shares trading at about 61 million dirhams, while Dana Gas was the most active in terms of volume of about 43.08 million shares.

The overall index has been recorded by the end of trading last Thursday, up 0.38%.

vendredi 21 août 2015

US dollar falls to lowest level in 8 weeks due to faded hopes of raising interest rates

The US dollar extended the decline of European market on Friday, extending losses for a third consecutive against a basket of major currencies and secondary schools for the day, its lowest level in eight weeks due to fading hopes of raising US interest rates during September and the increasing likelihood of postponement filed for next year, the dollar was steady Canadian against the US counterpart within a limited scale such as consumer prices and retail sales data in Canada. The US dollar index is trading by the time 11:55 GMT on the level of 95.45 points from the opening level of 95.77 points, scored 95.80 points, the highest level and the lowest level of 95.31 points, the lowest since June 30. The index yesterday fell by 0.8 percent in the second daily loss in a row with the continued sale of US currency operations after the last meeting of the Federal Reserve Minutes explained the difficulty of raising interest rates in September next September in light of the weakness of the labor market data and away the pace of inflation from the normal level. Figures released showed today in Beijing deepen the contraction of the Chinese manufacturing sector during August and registered its lowest level since 2009, in a new negative sign for the growth of the second largest economy in the world, which could push the Bank of the people, "the Chinese central bank" more stimulus measures, especially the cut New to the value of the yuan, which may lead to ignition global currency war, and the increasing likelihood of postponement raise US interest rates until next year.

Decline in US industrial PMI

Released from the US economy reading industrial purchases for the month of August / August Managers Index with a value of 52.9 against the value of 53.8 in the previous reading for the month of July last, and so the current reading is worse than analysts' forecasts, which pointed to the widening Almadhar to $ 53.9.

Gold prices rise to its highest level in six weeks

شاهد فيديو الان !
Gold prices rose significantly for the third consecutive session amid falling US dollar index for the third straight session, according to the inverse relationship between them following the developments in Athens and economic data that Tbanha Friday from the US economy, which showed decline in industrial purchasing managers index during August / August other than expectations. Promptly at 9:25 pm GMT Gold futures showed deliver 15 December / December rose to trade at 1,159.22 $ an ounce compared with the opening levels at 1,153.16 $ an ounce after it achieved the highest level since the seventh of July last at 1,168.24 $ an ounce, while the minimum achieved her during the trading session at $ 1,148.95 per ounce.

mercredi 24 juin 2015

China's central bank injects liquidity in the financial markets

The Chinese central bank injected amounts of liquidity in the banking system by using open market operations for the first time two months ago, after the Chinese sovereign debt sales failed to raise liquidity in the market planned to target him.   China's central bank show the amount of 35 billion yuan ($ 5.6 billion) through reverse repurchase operations Bajil seven days through an auction today was the last day was the implementation of such operations in April / April 16 last.   The Ministry of Finance has sold bonds Bajil two years worth 25.16 billion yuan on Wednesday, less than the target value of 26 billion yuan, the first auction for the sale of government bonds fails to achieve his goal since the month of July of last year.   China's central bank and the government aimed to pump liquidity into the financial markets and the banking system in order to maintain the low borrowing costs and in light of the increasing demand by commercial banks on the liquidity to meet the large withdrawals end of the second quarter of the year.   This has made China's central bank cut interest rates three times since November last, in addition to reducing reserve requirements for Chinese banks to contribute to reducing the pressure on the Chinese economy, which is the lowest growth rate since 1990.   The cost of the difference in interest rates for the year, a rate that is paid in exchange for a fixed repo operations have decreased the basis of two points to reach 2.56 percent, after pumping money operations.

The US dollar declined from the highest level in two weeks and attention on growth data

The US dollar extended the decline of European market on Wednesday within corrections and rebound from the highest level in two weeks registered yesterday against a basket of currencies and awaits investors US economic growth data for the first quarter of this year, the European currency rose euro optimistic about solving the Greek debt crisis at a meeting of finance ministers the European Union.

The US dollar index is trading by the time 11:50 GMT on the level of 95.29 points from the opening level of 94.56 points and recorded the highest level of 95.65 points and 95.11 points, the lowest level.

And achieved the dollar index during trading yesterday, up by 1.2 percent the largest daily gain since the middle of last month, and in the third daily gain in a row, to its highest level in two weeks 95.87 points, with the support of strong data for the Gaza US housing and statements Jerome Powell, one of the members of the monetary policy makers Federal Reserve " US central "and which he asserted that the US economy has become ready to raise interest rates during the current year.

The US economy is expected today growth data for the first quarter with a final reading of GDP by the issuance at 12:30 GMT is expected to contract 0.2 percent after the previous reading recorded a contraction of 0.7 percent, recorded the largest economy in the world growth rate of 2.2 percent during the last quarter of last year.

US economy shrinking in line with expectations - first quarter

Released from the US economy at 12:30 GMT, the final reading of GDP contraction in the first quarter registered a rate of 0.2 percent, in line with expectations, which pointed to a contraction rate of 0.2 percent, recorded the previous reading shrinking at a rate of 0.7 percent, is worth mentioning that the US economy has grown at a rate of 2.2 percent during the last quarter of last year.

Report and EIA crude oil stocks

Released from the US economy and the EIA crude oil stocks, which explained deficit in stocks of about 4.9 million barrels during the elapsed on 19 of June this against a deficit of about 2.7 million barrels in the previous weekly reading, other than the analysts' forecasts when the deficit by about 1.8 million barrels report, and bringing the total crude oil stocks to around 463 million barrels and is near the highest level in eighty years.
On the other had, motor gasoline rose to the United States by about 0.7 million barrels, to remain higher than the average range for this time of year, as the IAEA report said on Wednesday that distillate products, which include heating oil stocks rose by 1.8 million barrels for longer within the medium term for this time of year.

Prime Minister of Taiwan to step down, and the fear on the local economy

Abandoned Taiwan Premier Jiang Yi Hua from his post on Saturday, after the defeat of his party (Kuomintang) in the local elections that took place last Friday.
For his part, the amateur has announced the acceptance of Taiwan President Ma Ying-Joe for his resignation.
Once the counting of votes in more than 80% of the constituencies show that the ruling party Kuomintang -oho Qoma- Party lost voices include eight cities Almaklan old adversaries of the party Taipei and Taichung.
It is noteworthy that the party calls for rapprochement with China, and that as a pro-China.
And let the supporters of the Kuomintang to improve relations with China, noting that Taiwan is a renegade province to Chinese sovereignty.
Fear remains the dominant force and supporters of the Democratic Progressive Party victory in the elections, the Kuomintang, which could create a suitable ground to win the presidential election scheduled in 2016.
Democratic Progressive Party came to power and the presidency of the country may erase all talks with China, and leads the deterioration of Taiwan-China relations.
It is noteworthy that the Kuomintang party was working to strengthen its relations with China in order to improve Taiwan's economy and the prosperity of the work, but the heavy loss incurred by the party in local elections threaten these relations, which would negatively affect the economy.

Indices conclude the session on a slight negative changes in its entirety

Indices third this week's sessions on the variation in the performance concluded in the wake of economic developments and data Tbanha on Wednesday, which confirmed the world's largest economy contraction during the first quarter showed a final reading of GDP contraction of 0.2% little changed from the previous high reading Unlike expectations pointed to the widening contraction to 0.7% amid a 2.1% Personal Spending growth ahead of expectations for a growth rate of 1.9% and compared to a growth rate of 1.8% in the secondary previous reading, in conjunction with the draw attention of investors to developments in Greece crisis file.
This Dow Jones industrial average has ended the trading session down 0.33%, or about 59.29 points at 18,084.78 levels, as Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 0.13%, or about 2.66 points at 2,121.54 levels, while the Nasdaq Composite Index rose 0.06%, or about 3.20 point to 5,163.30 levels.
The US dollar index, which tracks the greenback's performance against six major currencies, especially the single currency for the euro zone as well as the Swiss franc, Japanese yen, pound sterling, krone Swedish, Canadian dollar, has fallen to currently trade at 95.43 levels compared Balavtaatahih at 95.56, its lowest level during the the trading session at 95.12, while achieved its highest at 95.73.
On the other hand lost gold prices fell for a fourth straight session to trade at 1,175.22 $ per ounce compared with the opening level at 1,178.30 $ an ounce, as US crude oil prices declined to trade at $ 60.22 per barrel compared with the opening levels at $ 60.59 a barrel, ignoring it all The weekly report showed energy, told the US deficit in stocks exceeded expectations.

mercredi 22 avril 2015

Wall Street deserve a positive session amid outweigh the sales of existing homes

US stock indexes third this week's sessions opened minor changes in a positive entirety illustrated green amid risk appetite recovery among investors on Wall Street after the superiority of the US housing market data in conjunction with the succession disclose the results of major companies and US banks giant, which is the backbone of the world's largest economy realization within the actualities detection quarterly results season.

This has followed the US economy issuance read house prices for the month of February, which showed increased by 0.7% index compatible with expectations compared with a rise of 0.3% in the previous reading for the month of January, as shown reading existing home sales for the month of March / March high by 6.1% to about 5.19 million units compared to about 4.89 million units which rose by 1.5% in the previous reading for the month of February, surpassing analysts' expectations at a rise of 3.1% to about 5.03 million units.

Promptly at 4:16 pm are GMT Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.24% or about 43.47 points to 17,993.06 levels, as Standard & Poor's 500 index rose by 0.24%, or about 5.07 points to 2,102.36 levels, while the Nasdaq Composite Index rose 0.12% or about 6.15 points to 5,020.25 levels.

Speaking about the US stock performance with the beginning of the trading session, shares of McDonald company's increased by 4.3% to levels of $ 98.97 per share despite a decline in revenue, while shares of Coca-Cola Co. rose 0.9% to levels of $ 41.15 per share after detecting high revenue for the first time in nine four quarterly.

Shares rose both Visa Company and MasterCard 4.1% and Nbsh 3.4% respectively to $ 68.03 and $ 90.76 per share levels after China's announcement that it will open its market to cleanse the local bank card transactions, which will open the way for service providers to foreign benefit directly of the estimated market value of about $ 6.84 trillion.

This and we would like to point out that almost 71.9% of the listed in the S & P 500 companies have exceeded profit analysts' estimates so far outperforming the 70% during the fourth quarter of the previous year, while the proportion of 42.1% outperformed their revenues versus 58%, In the same context, the company's shares Angie's List has increased by 14% to levels of $ 7.01 per share is among the most active stocks on Wall Street on Wednesday after uncovering the business results that pointed to achieve profits other than expectations.

lundi 13 avril 2015

The Australian dollar extended its losses and the pound sterling, the lowest level in 5 years

The Australian dollar fell broadly Asian market on Monday, lying losses for the second consecutive day against the US counterpart on the impact of weak data in China's largest trading partner, the Australian economy, Sterling fell for the third consecutive day against the greenback and record a new lowest level in five years, and trading Euro near its lowest level in three weeks, and the Japanese yen fell after the minutes of the central bank and government data on industrial machinery, rose relatively dollar index, having made last week, the biggest weekly gain since May 2010 on expectations raise US interest rates.   The Australian dollar The Australian dollar ended trading on Friday, down by 0.2 percent against its US counterpart, ending a wave of gains over the three days during which he recorded the highest level in two weeks 77.37 US cents the support of the Reserve Bank of Australia's decision to keep interest rates steady at 2.25 percent.   The Australian dollar is trading against the US dollar by 07:30 GMT on the level of 0.7590 from an opening price of 0.7664 after recording the highest price and the lowest price 0.7677 0.7579.   Decline widely Australian dollar Asian market on Monday against all major currencies lying losses for the second consecutive day against the US counterpart on the impact of weak data in China's largest trading partner, the Australian economy.   Decline in Chinese exports data showed 15% during March less than expert forecasts a rise of 9%, and imports fell by 12.7% and was expected to decline by 10%.   Sterling pound The pound fell 0.5 percent at the end of last week's trading in the second daily loss in a row against the US dollar after data weaker than expected industrial production in Britain through February, and the loss of GBP 1.9 percent on the whole over the last week, the biggest weekly loss during the five weeks last versus the US currency.   The pair is trading pound sterling against the US dollar by at 07:34 GMT, on the level of 1.4610 from an opening price of 1.4615 after recording the highest price and the lowest price 1.4648 1.4565 the lowest since April 28 April 2009.

samedi 4 avril 2015

The US dollar is about to reach its highest level in 12 years with the support rate expectations

The US dollar extended the rise of the European market on Monday, continue to make gains for a sixth day on a row against a basket of approaching the major currencies of the highest level in 12 years amid growing buy the US currency operations supported by expectations of higher interest rates in the United States by June of next June, falling New Zealand dollar For the second day in a row ahead of data on the business climate of confidence in New Zealand. US dollar Continued dollar index rise for the sixth consecutive day, its highest level in four weeks 100.26 points, heading towards the level of 100.37 highest point in 12 years and registered on 13 March last, and achieved the index rising by 2.9 percent over the past week, the biggest weekly gain since May 2010, with the support expectations of the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates by June next. He reiterated on Friday, Jeffrey Lacker a member of the Federal Reserve Board to call for speed consider raising interest rates in June of next June, and stressed the possibility of reducing them again if necessary summoned to do so. Showed the last meeting of the Federal Reserve, which was published on Wednesday that some members said they expect the upcoming economic data provide strong justification to raise interest rates in principle in June next June, and confirmed the other members on the economy improves sufficiently allow the Council to conduct an evaluation at each Meeting Minutes separately on raising interest rates. The dollar index is trading by the time 11:44 GMT on the level of 100.15 points, 99.64 points from the opening level and the highest level of 100.26 points, the lowest level of 99.44 points. . The absence of significant data today from the United States from the arena of financial markets while Uday federal budget for the month of March is expected deficit of $ 43.1 billion, compared with a deficit of 192.3 billion dollars in February February New Zealand Dollar Finish trading on Friday, down by 0.3 percent against its US counterpart, and has continued to decline for the second consecutive day on Monday, its lowest level in two weeks 74.21 US cents on the impact of weak data in China's largest trading partner for the economy of New Zealand, the data showed an unexpected drop of Beijing's exports during March The decline in imports at the fastest pace since the global financial crisis in 2009, which worries about weak economic growth than in China. New Zealand dollar is trading against the US counterpart by the time 11:45 GMT on the level of 0.7430 from 0.7516 opening price and the highest price of 0.7536, 0.7421 and the lowest price. And awaits investors later today important data on the business climate in New Zealand over the past month and record the business climate survey for level 23 through February February

US jobs report showing the fewest jobs since the end of 2013

American companies have supported the US economy at the lowest number of jobs during the month of March / March last year since the end of 2013, and in light of the harsh winter that hit the United States as well as investments decline in oil and energy sectors.

The number of new jobs that are provided in the US economy during March / March came a $ 126 thousand jobs less than expected, which was referring to the 245 thousand jobs from, while the previous reading was modified to become a $ 164 thousand jobs of 295 thousand jobs.

The unemployment rate has stabilized at the level of 5.5% in the same previous reading and expectations of value, while the average wage has risen in time during the month of March / March by 0.3% from 0.1%. The annual reading also rose 2.1% from 2.0%.

Stinging cold wave that hit the United States during this winter caused relieve American companies from hiring given the decline in demand for spending by the household sector.

On the other hand, we find that oil and energy companies are suffering from the decline in crude oil prices, so he resorted to reduce costs and minimize new investments in crude oil exploration, as well as the closure of a number of platforms and refineries, crude oil refining, to negatively affect the number of new jobs that have been registered in the US economy over the past month.

New jobs numbers today are the least since December / December of 2013, come to end the series numbers of jobs above the level of 200 thousand, which lasted for the longest period since 1995.

As for the impact on the markets came somewhat limited due to the closure of financial markets in both the United States and Europe because of the holidays, which is causing weak liquidity and trading volumes in the financial markets, where the delayed impact of this data until next week.

The general trend in the markets began to get pessimistic about the future of interest rates in the United States of America, the bank, the Federal Reserve may link the decision to raise interest rates improved economic data from the United States and private employment sector data, but today's data to come to show weakness in the number of jobs which shows the affected companies American high dollar levels and lower crude oil prices, which hurt many sectors of the economy, and thus causing weakness in the number of jobs provided by the US economy.

The belief that markets will prevail now is that the Fed will resort to postpone the decision to raise interest rates for a longer period, so the stability of the growth that has seen a slowdown in the fourth quarter of last year rates occur, in addition to the negative outlook for growth in the first quarter of 2015.

Along with this the rest conflicting expectations for inflation in the United States due to the continuation far from the goal of the Fed at 2%, in addition to the instability of crude oil prices yet to go on the ups and downs.

vendredi 3 avril 2015

Turkish inflation exceeds expectations in March due to rising food prices

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Data released on Friday showed that consumers in Turkey prices rose 1.2 percent in March from the level in the previous month to exceed the expectations of inflation due to rising food costs.

These data may provide justification for the central bank to resist the pressures on him to cut interest rates. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and a reduction in borrowing costs in the face of the slowdown in growth and a general election in June, raising fears for the independence of the Central Bank.

The Turkish Statistics Institute said consumer prices rose 1.19 percent on a monthly basis, beating analysts' expectations, much to rise 0.89 percent in a Reuters poll.

On an annual basis the inflation rate stood at 7.61 percent. The data indicate that domestic producers prices rose 1.05 percent on a monthly basis while it rose 3.41 percent on an annual basis.

However, separate data on car sales in March gave a bit brighter picture of the performance where consumers have shown a growth of 75 percent compared with the corresponding period last year, while sales hit by higher taxes and tighter credit rules.

He said Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek station NTV television in an interview, "We are in direct confrontation with the inflationary path inconsistent with the direction that we want." He said that this trend may benefit from falling oil prices.

He added that he will go down with the Turkey "easily" this year of four per cent economic growth. He said the nuclear agreement reached by world powers with Iran would have a positive impact on Turkey's exports.

The unemployment rate in the United States, settling at 5.5% in March

Washington, DC, April 3 / April (EFE): the unemployment rate has stabilized in the United States at 5.5% in March / March last, the same rate recorded in February.

The US Department of Labor today that the US economy in March, creating 126 thousand jobs, the number is less than expected and is the lowest since late 2013.

The Ministry of Labor also revised downward the number of jobs created during the first two months of the year, which reduced the total of 69 thousand jobs, which had been declared previously.

The United States said in January / December 2015 a second Total 264 thousand jobs, not 295 thousand as has already been declared, and in February was the real number 201 thousand jobs compared to 239 thousand initially announced.

These figures indicate a slowdown in job creation in the United States, which represents a slight change in rates after months have seen good results.

With regard to rates of salary per hour, record high of 7 cents, to $ 24 and 86 cents, with the increase on the level of the last twelve months 2.1%. (EFE)

mardi 17 février 2015

Dollar index falls after the issuance of the Empire State Index report

The dollar continued to decline against other major currencies on Tuesday, after the release of manufacturing data pessimistic of the New York area, which added to concerns about the strength of the US economic recovery.

In a report, the Federal Reserve in New York said that the general index of business conditions fell to 7.8 this month from 10.0 reading in January / January Analysts had expected the index to decline to 8.5 in February / February

The dollar index, which measures the strength of the dollar against a basket of six major currencies, was up 0.45% to hit 94.03.
The euro extended gains against the dollar, with Artvaalioro / USD shedding 0.59% to trade at 1.1421.

The euro found support after he said ZEW Centre for Economic Research said its index of German economic sentiment rose by 4.6 points to 53.0 this month from reading in January 48.4. This was the highest reading since February 2014, but remained below expectations that were looking forward to 55.0.

Investors remained cautious, is scheduled for the rescue plan expires at the end of this month, while Greece rejects extension of the rescue plan. Athens has refused to offer a proposal to extend the rescue plan for a period of 6 months during a meeting on Monday, calling him the offer unacceptable.

There are at Athens until Friday to request an extension. Otherwise, the bailout ends in February 28 and you'll find the country itself in crisis and without funding.

And provoked the confrontation between Greece and its creditors fears that it could lead to a Greek exit from the euro zone.

GBP / USD shedding 0.08% to hit 1.5353.

In a report, National Statistics Office in the United Kingdom said that the rate of inflation in consumer prices slowed to 0.3% last month from 0.5% in December, broadly in line with market expectations.

On a monthly inflation in consumer prices fell by 0.9% in January basis, compared with expectations for a decline of 0.8% after trading unchanged in December / December

It will Bank of England Governor Mark Carney in writing an open letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, as the inflation rate is less than the goal of the central bank's target of 2.0%.

Rose core consumer, which excludes food and energy, alcohol and tobacco costs at a rate of 1.4% in the price index last month, up from 1.3% in December and above expectations for a reading of 1.3%.

On the other hand, the dollar / yen rose 0.17% to trade at 118.68, while the USD / CHF shedding 0.20% to hit 1.9301.

The Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar rose against the dollar, with high, AUD / USD shedding 0.60% to hit 1.7819 and rose NZD / USD shedding 0.52% to hit 0.7541. In Policy Meeting Minutes for the month of February, the Reserve Bank of Australia said earlier it cut interest rates this month because of the deteriorating economic outlook.

At the same time, the Canadian dollar rose against the dollar, with USD / CAD 0.68% to trade at 1.2383 even after Statistics Canada reported that purchases of foreign securities fell by 13.55 billion Canadian dollars in December, compared with expectations for a rise of 5.35 billion Canadian dollars .

The figure was revised in November to raise 4.30 billion Canadian dollars from the previous estimates of the gains of 4.29 billion Canadian dollars.

mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Boeing positive results during the fourth quarter, but a negative outlook for the current year

US aircraft maker Boeing announced Wednesday for the financial results of its work during the past year 2014 to come better than expected, but this year the expectations in 2015 amid fears that a weak decline in oil prices lead to obstruction of the demand for aircraft characterized by efficient fuel consumption.

 The fourth quarter of last year 2014 profit rose 19% with the help of the demand for commercial aircraft.

 Earnings per share rose to $ 2.31 in the fourth quarter of 2014, compared with the same period of 2013, which recorded a profit at $ 1.88 per share.

 Revenue has increased to reach $ 24.5 billion during the same period, compared with the same period in 2013 which recorded 23.78 billion dollars.

 The forecasts suggest dividend of $ 2.11 per share, with revenues of 23.93 billion dollars.

 Commercial aircraft deliveries rose by 13 percent to 195 aircraft.

 Boeing is seeking to develop aircraft that meet the needs of international airlines, but with oil prices fell dramatically and do some airlines to stop hedge against oil prices, the future of its planes efficient provision of fuel consumption within a clear threat, which puts the company in a position must be subject to the operations of the study .

 Boeing shares rose 3.11% in early trading on the stock is trading at 14:00 GMT, around $ 136.60 per share levels.

 Is expected to be exposed to pressure Pyongyang share when bell on Wall Street because of the negative perception during the current year....

Spin Gu substitute Yahoo shares in China's Alibaba, and financial results better than expected

US Yahoo announced on Tuesday that it will work on the separation of its stake in Chinese company Alibaba amounting to 15% or $ 40 billion in a deal tax-exempt, as an independent investment company will be under the name of "Spin Ku" investing in Chinese e-commerce company.

Announced CEO of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, the news within the chapter quarterly financial results of the company on Tuesday.

The objective of this procedure is to provide billions of taxes owed annually amounting to nearly $ 16 billion, will be the Spin Ku shares distributed to the shareholders of Yahoo in the fourth quarter of 2015.

Go toward financial results, Yahoo has recorded a quarter do not quite where share Earnings per share fell during the fourth quarter of last year 2014 to 30 cents from 46 cents in the same period of 2013.

The revenue fell to $ 1.18 billion during the same quarter, compared with the same period in 2013 which recorded $ 1.20 billion.

The forecasts suggest dividend of 29 cents per share, with revenues of $ 1.19 billion.

It is noteworthy that Yahoo announced last month December / December 2014 that it stopped 60 product and service during the past two years, part of its efforts to "focus on presentations of interest to the" users.

samedi 24 janvier 2015

Wall Street extended its gains for the fourth consecutive day after the historic Europe Bank announced a program to stimulate the European economy

US stocks ended Thursday's session in the third week sessions continue high gains for the fourth consecutive day after the European Central Bank announced a historic program to buy bonds greatest expectations to stimulate the economy in the euro zone.Standard & Boozer index rose by 1.5 percent and hit its highest level since December 30 last December and achieved a height of 2 percent over the past three sessions, the Dow rose 1.5 percent and the Nasdaq Composite Index increased by about 1.8 percent.Mario Draghi, Governor of the Central Bank announced a historic program to buy bonds to stimulate the European economy by 60 billion euros a month the beginning of the month of March until September September 2016 at about 1,100 billion euros and were expectations of experts has been narrowed to buy bonds between 500: 550 billion euros.Showed data released today in Washington, unemployment fell from its highest level in seven weeks, claims, and recorded a number of 307 thousand applications for the week ending 17 January from 317 thousand the previous week and was expected to 301 thousand.Wall Street indicesDow Jones industrial index of top US companies for shares of high 259.70 points or 1.48 percent to 17,813.98 points.And the S & P 500 index broader 31.03 points or 1.53 percent to 2,063.15 points.The Nasdaq Composite Index, which is dominated by technology stocks 82.98 points or 1.78 percent to 4,750.40 points.

European shares rise to highest level in seven years after the adoption of quantitative easing

European shares rose in trading Thursday after the European Central Bank Governor Mario Draghi to announce the adoption of the bank to the program of quantitative easing (quantitative stimulus) by 60 billion euros a month, starting from the month of March / March 2015 until September / September 2016.

The main European index Stoxx 600 rose 0.94%, to trade at exactly 15:22 GMT, on the levels of 361.58 points.

The governor of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi has stressed that the procedures followed by the European Central through quantitative easing program will continue until inflation levels show a rise toward the goal of the bank at 2% over the medium term.

Hence, the European Central back and renews its commitment to support the euro zone having already entered into deflation, where the ECB wants to push inflation to 2%.

Draghi noted that the ECB will continue to be diligent in the risks associated with future price developments in the medium term surveillance, also stressed the negative risks associated with future prospects.

If, Draghi's comments increased investor appetite towards equity markets, which helped European shares rise to their highest levels in seven years, with expectations of consistently positive impact for future sessions.

The French CAC 40 index rose by 1.29% to trade around 4542.58 points, levels, while the German index rose by 0.86% to trade around the region 10384.82 levels and, finally, the index rose 0.80% to trade around 6781.87 points, levels.

jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Wall Street closes lower but check the third annual gain in a row

US stocks ended Wednesday's session in the third week sessions and other low 2014 sessions continue the wave of losses for the second consecutive day due to profit taking and cover centers in the last year, which saw record levels of all the Wall Street indicators.

Decline in the Standard & Poor's 500 index by about 1 percent and lost the Dow Jones industrial average 0.9 percent and the Nasdaq lost 0.9 percent and the market will close tomorrow to spend the New Year's holiday.
Showed data released today in Washington, rising jobless claims increased by 17 thousand for the week ending December 27 Total 298 thousand from 281 thousand recorded for the previous week and was expected to total 287 thousand.

And slowed the growth of the manufacturing sector in Chicago during December and record index level of 58.3, compared with expectations that pointed to the level of 60.2, and the index record level of 60.8 during November.

And sales of existing homes rose by 0.8% during November, better than expected, which showed an increase of 0.6%, better than the previous reading, which registered a drop of 1.1%.

And the loss of the S & P index full gains during December, but he has made a gain of about 11.39 percent over the year in the third annual gain in a row thanks to strong boom witnessed by the US economy during this year, which recorded the highest growth pace in 11 years during the third quarter.

The index recorded its highest historical level 2,093.55 points, with support from the Federal Reserve to end monetary stimulus program and kept low between zero interest rates, 0.25 percent in the last statement through December, said he will be patient in raising interest rates.

And achieved the Dow Jones index rose by 7.5 percent over 2014 and a record high of 18,103.45 points, the Nasdaq has achieved an annual increase of 13.4 percent and scored a historic high at 4,814.95 points.
Wall Street indices
Dow Jones industrial index of top US companies for shares of a low 160.00 points or 0.89 percent to 17,823.07 points.

The decline in the S & P 500 index broader 21.45 points or 1.03 percent to 2,058.90 points.

The Nasdaq Composite Index, which is dominated by technology stocks 41.38 points or 0.87 percent to 4,736.06 points.